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Specialising in WaterMark and Product Conformity Scheme Certification

WaterMark Certification Scheme
WaterMark logo

Pro-Switch has developed a set of procedures in order to meet the basic requirements of the WaterMark Certification Scheme (WMCS). Where the product type is one that is not described in the WMCS or is innovative in design there are mechanisms whereby an assessment may be undertaken in order to determine if certification is required and if so procedures to incorporate the product type into the WMCS. There are also certain product types that either do not require certification or lie outside of the scheme

WaterMark WMCS

This level of certification requires design evaluation and independent testing to determine product compliance with the relevant standard identified as applicable in the WMCS. The certification also requires an assessment and ongoing surveillance of the production processes or quality system, including inspection or testing of samples of product.

Following successful evaluation, the applicant is issued with a formal licence to use the WaterMark certification logo on the products along with a formalized certificate of conformity and allocated certification number which is traceable to the product and certificate holder by way of the formalized certificate and the listing on the website

Product Conformity
Scheme (PCS)
PCS logo

Pro-Switch has developed a certification scheme in order to offer certification for products generally related to the water industry where either by regulation or industry requirements independent third-party certification may be required. The certification may be offered with the use of a Certification Mark the ‘CMARK’ which may be displayed directly on the product or referred to in product literature.

A number of types of certifications are offered within this scheme and are described below.

Full Certification

A certification scheme has been developed aligned to meet requirements as specified in various Australian Standards to include the criteria described in HB 18.28 (ISO/IEC Guide 28). The certification scheme includes initial testing of products and inspection of factory and quality management system and ongoing surveillance.

Following successful evaluation the applicant is issued with a formal certificate of conformity identifying the product models subject to the certification. In certain circumstances the applicant may also be issued with a licence to utilize the Certification Mark the ‘CMARK’ which may be displayed directly on the product or referred to in product literature as direct evidence of certification.

Type Test Certification

A certification scheme has been developed by Pro-Switch where an organization wishes to demonstrate through third party certification that a particular product or material conforms to a standard. The process of certification involves design evaluation and independent testing to determine product compliance with the standard.

Following successful evaluation, the applicant is issued with a formal certificate of conformity identifying the product models subject to the certification and the related standard/s. The certificate would have duration of five years and may be renewed at expiry subject to re-evaluation.

Quality Management Systems

ISO 9001

Pro-Switch is in the process to comply with the requirements to be able to assist companies for certification to ISO 9001.

This is in process, and we expect this to be added to our scope later in 2023.

Pro-Switch has developed a certification scheme in order to offer certification for Quality Management Systems to ISO 9001:2015.

The certification may be offered with the use of a Certification Mark the ‘CMARK’ which may be displayed on the company website, documentation and public information.

Contact Pro-Switch to enquire about this certification for your operations.

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